m i a d e s i g n

Laser game gun

Diligently designed and crafted through Rhinoceros, Solidworks, Haas milling, resin vacuuing, laser cutting etc. Though part was client’s demand of using carbon fiber which makes this gun beautiful, unbreakable but at same point too heavy to effortlessly play with. Process of shifting, sorting, trying, failing.. took us about 2,5 year but we successfully made it to perfection so it can be mass produced in Czech Republic.Diligently designed and crafted through Rhinoceros, Solidworks, Haas milling, resin vacuuing, laser cutting etc. Though part was client’s demand of using carbon fiber which makes this gun beautiful, unbreakable but at same point too heavy to effortlessly play with. Process of shifting, sorting, trying, failing.. took us about 2,5 year but we successfully made it to perfection so it can be mass produced in Czech Republic.

B a c k T o T o p B a c k T o T o p
yay! welcome to my new portfolio ♥

A brand new decision to upgrade my page has been made and I keep improving, working out the bugs and uploading new stuff every day..so muchas gracias for your patience and there it’s coming..